It’s February already? What? Did I miss a meeting?
Actually, before I start. Thanks to all you nice folks who emailed to make sure I wasn’t;
A: Giving up writing (no chance)
B: Curled up in a ball on the floor wailing, ‘Why did I choose time travel? Why?!’
C: Reading my 1 star reviews – I get the odd one, smile and remember I also hate stuff that other people love. Thankfully, it’s allowed.
Nope, none of the above. I just had my head well and truly in the planning of the Downstream Diaries.
There are lots of ways to plan a series. You can do it the new (also see crap) Star Wars way. Announce a ton of films and just make ’em up as you go along. Or, you can do it the Marvel way; plan multiple arcs and stories and then tie them all together.
Like them or loathe them, Marvel – at least – have a plan! Considering I write time travel stories, I lean closer to the Marvel model… just with less ‘blowy uppy’. I need to know where the story is going, how Joe is going to change and grow (don’t worry, he’s more active in Book 3), what the rules are and make sure there is a point to it all! I had a fair idea where I was going when I started book 2. Now I know and it’s exciting. I can’t wait to share book 3 with you. Trust me, all that weird stuff in Book 2 will make sense in the end! Out this year, for sure…
Alfie Update
Again, thanks to all you kind people who – in the void of no communication – tentatively asked if Alfie had gone to the ‘Special Boarding Kennel in the sky’. Rest assured, my little bundle of joy is alive and well and his lungs are in fine fettle. Sleep? Nah, that’s for wusses. As a treat (gentle payback for night-time howling), I brush his teeth more often. It’s kind of a new game. I tell him it’s time to have his teeth brushed, he arches an eyebrow and glances at the door. Honestly, toddlers were easier!

Alfie, preparing for Downward Dog, Doga pose.
Reading / Listening
The Outsider, Stephen King. I try and limit my consumption of the master, but sometimes I can’t help it. I listened to Chapter 1, you know, just out of interest… and that was it. Gripped. Long live the King and hail to Will Patton, a genius narrator.
November Road, Lou Berney. As recommended by Mr King. I would love to say directly, but no… I follow him on Twitter (so should you). His description. “When people ask me to recommend a ‘page turner’ I tell them to read November Road.” Yep. It’s awesome. Cat and Mouse, crime, mystery, thriller set in the wake of the Kennedy Assassination.
And, tons of ‘writing craft’ non-fiction. I always throw myself into my favourites during planning.

Russian Doll – Natasha Lyonne (The grungy one from Orange Is The New Black) does ‘A Christmas Groundhog Day Carol in New York’. I’ve made it sound weird. It is a bit, and it’s also great. Anything that features Gotta Get Up by Harry Nilsson is fine by me. Good script (Amy Poehler), well acted, well shot, good soundtrack. What more do you want? (thanks for the heads up Ian).
Outlander – It’s getting silly, repetitive and inconsistent… > SPOILER ALERT > But, who can resist watching the earnest idiot, Roger get repeatedly beaten up while wearing schoolboy trousers? Honestly… Even I would have a pop at him for wearing that!
Star Trek Discovery, Season 2 – Is it any good? Better than Season 1. Yes… Maybe? Sort of? I’m trying… Oh, and still addicted to Call my Agent. Plotting of the highest calibre. Bravo.
We have a Film Club at our house. Friends come over and we introduce each-other to gems that may have been missed.

The Death of Stalin falls into that category. Sounds like a boring documentary, right? Wrong. It’s a beautifully realised, tightly scripted satire. Relevant now? Hell yeah. A gangsta sounding Stalin and a turn by Jason Isaacs that will blow your socks off. I laughed and cried and sighed. So good, but be warned, it’s dark, violent and sweary. Tonight we repay the favour. Arrival. Nice.
Finally, sorry to all you awesome people who have emailed me recently and had no reply. I LOVE hearing from you, particularly the details of where you live and what you love. I am now going back in time to reply, immediately ; ) I do get there in the end. As Miranda would say, Bear with.