As promised normal service is resuming slowly…
For anyone new here, I lost my dog recently and it’s taken a while to get back into things. On that note, a massive thank you (and hug) to all the lovely people who emailed me about Alfie. Seriously, you lot are amazing and it really surprised me how many heartfelt emails I received.
Love you too.
Life is bliss and life is pain. The good thing? The only constant is change.
Personal Update
And so, off the back of such sad news, I now have some very exciting and happy news to share.
And I mean, really exciting news : )
I’m thrilled to finally be able to announce I have signed a publishing deal with Blackstone Publishing for the Downstream Diaries. Blackstone is one of the largest independent audiobook publishers in the United States and in November 2015 they expanded with Blackstone Publishing, a new imprint devoted to print and e-books.
This is a major step for me. I wrote my first novel about 7 years ago and was proudly Indie up until now. But, somewhere in the back of my mind I always wondered what it would be like to ‘get the deal’, the validation, to have someone fighting your corner… Well, now, four books later (and a few risks, like leaving my old job – thanks for supporting me Kay!) I have an agent, a book deal and am writing full-time. Something I could never have imagined when I started out.
Thank you for your part in the story so far, for supporting me. I’m excited about this new chapter with Blackstone, the added security means I can continue to write stuff for readers I genuinely want to connect with.
Downstream Book 3 Update
For the last few months, I’ve been setting up the storylines and character arcs for Books 3, 4, 5 and 6. In this super-fast world, sometimes, the right thing to do is slow down, take the time and do it right. I’m talking to you, Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson.
Sometimes, you need a plan.
Well, the Book 3 planning phase is now done. The chapters are all mapped out in detail and the writing is underway. The past, present and future combine as the confusion of Book 2 begins to make sense… Exciting stuff. I cannot wait to share it with you!

Pic: Me, finally happy in the knowledge that Book 3 is going to happen!
My Audiobooks
The above publishing news might explain why the Audiobooks of Downstream 1 and 2 were available but have now disappeared… My publisher – I will eventually get used to saying that – are going to create brand-spanking-new versions of the audiobooks. That does mean that there will be a significant wait for the new versions. Sorry! I will keep you posted…

This is going to hurt – Hilarious diary-style account of a poor junior doctor starting out in the NHS. Recommended.
Tim Ferris Podcast – Never fails to inspire me. Tim is such a cool, inquisitive guy and I always learn something from him and his guests. Way more than life hacks, it’s an insight into the lives of people who do interesting things and after a while, you begin to see the commonality between them. They fail a lot and aren’t afraid. Okay, so I just need to work on the fear bit…
Out and about
After watching ‘Loving Vincent’ Kay and I went to see the Van Gogh in Britain exhibition. Interesting look at how the great man was inspired by time spent in the U.K. Such a variety of styles. He was a natural with no formal training and started late in his life. A genius, taken way too soon. Starry night is even more amazing in the flesh.
Paris, je t’aime – Part of a regular film club we do with friends. Enjoyed this one very much. A collection of 18 vignettes set in Paris, a 5 minute limit for each director. Clever and insightful look at how you can still tell an engaging story in such a short segment. Like any good party, a couple were totally bonkers!
The Favourite – Not mine, unfortunately. Nicely shot and superbly acted. Just not sure about the story… Did the queen really do all that? I expected a period drama to contain some, oh, I don’t know… facts. Got that wrong, which is probably my fault, not theirs.
Red Dead Redemption 2 – The violence seems more out of place in this game than in GTA. The world itself is so beautifully realised, the story so tightly woven, the horses, the trees, the lighting. My goodness, how did they actually make this game?!

Hours spent riding and camping, shaving and shopping, exploring, helping and yes, killing. Can’t I just make friends, camp and sing songs? Er, no. The Wild West was a dangerous place, brutal and hungry but also beautiful, awe-inspiring and optimistic. To somehow capture that in a game? I tip my hand-crafted Elk hat to you Rockstar.
Took a break from input during the planning of DS 3 but just finished Ghost Story (Dresden Files). Somehow missed ‘Bag of Bones’ by Stephen King so digging into that. And, picked up some recommendations from you lot. The list is long…
That’s it for now, see you next month. Be happy. Be nice to people. Repeat on a loop until it powers itself.
P.s. German Readers. So sorry. The Book 2 delay is unacceptable. I spoke to my translator yesterday and – all being well – it will be released next month. In the words of Han Solo, ‘It’s not my fault!’ Anyone who purchased it should automatically receive the update from Amazon. Again, sorry about the delay. I hope you enjoy the book!